Whanganui Riverflows Review 1987-88

River Flows Video Introduction

One of the most impactful pieces of DOC’s evidence was a video shown at the close of their presentation. During the 1987/88 summer Electrocorp had released the entire headwater flow down the main tributary – the Whakapapa River, while they carried out maintenance on its intake structure. With this return of the natural summer flow the river became vibrant and was enjoyed by white water rafters and kayakers. DOC hired a helicopter to video the spectacle. Later, with the flow diverted once again, they returned with the video camera. The effect of splicing natural flow with virtually no flow at several locations clearly demonstrated the effect of flow abstraction to the commissioners. The video also covered other downstream effects which had been addressed in DOC’s evidence. John Ombler provided a masterly ad-lib narration throughout the showing, and it is a profound loss not having recorded this and later spliced it in for archival completion.