About Coastal Systems

Coastal Systems Limited (CSL) is an applied coastal science consultancy covering all types of coast: from open sand and gravel beaches to enclosed estuaries, inlets and rivermouths, as well as sand dune and cliff environments. 

Our expertise

Our expertise covers paleo, historical, contemporary and future coastal configurations and processes.

Coastal Landform Characteristics

CSL commissions can define the extent and characteristics of the coastal environment and the nature and significance of coastal landforms and landscapes.

Coastal Hazard Management

We can define and predict all types of coastal hazards, and we can determine optimal coastal management techniques and outcomes.

Geomorphology Expertise

To successfully undertake this work requires a sound understanding and application of coastal geomorphology and soil conservation methods and project management, and our staff are qualified and experienced in these fields.

Data-Driven Coastal Analysis

CSL use industry best practices and incorporate both conventional and image-based data collection coupled with robust statistical analysis.  By more accurately defining coastal behaviour we can reduce uncertainty, thereby enabling less restrictive design and consent conditions.

Academic Research Links

CSL also has a strong research base with links to academic institutes, and this assists us in ensuring we are aware and able to apply the latest developments in coastal science.

Client Communication Strategies

Considerable effort is also put into the preparation of reports and presentations to ensure they are both understandable to the client and robust reference documents.

“Our AIM is to promote sustainable usage of the coastal environment by geomorphologically defining underlying system characteristics soas to provide the most accurate assessments and cost effective management solutions.”